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Medical Services

Empowering your child's health and well-being is at the heart of every parent or caregiver's concern. A vital key to achieving this is ensuring that your child has access to comprehensive medical services, fostering not only their physical health but also their academic success. Seattle Public Schools recognizes the profound impact that health has on a student's journey. This page acts as your guide to understanding the range of medical services offered by SPS, assuring you that your child's wellness remains a top priority.

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As a parent or caregiver, safeguarding your child's health and well-being is paramount. At Seattle Public Schools, we share your commitment to ensuring that every student thrives in an environment that prioritizes their physical well-being. From routine health check-ups to specialized medical support, we've designed a comprehensive range of Medical Services to address your child's unique needs.

Health and Wellness Programs

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At Seattle Public Schools, we are dedicated to ensuring the well-being and success of our students by offering a range of comprehensive health and wellness programs.

Our Coordinated School Health initiative integrates various health programs and services to promote a healthy and safe learning environment for all students. This holistic approach includes health education, physical education, nutrition services, counseling, psychological services, health services, and family and community involvement. By addressing multiple aspects of health, we create an environment where students can thrive academically, emotionally, and physically.

For students with unique health needs, our Support for Students with Health Conditions program ensures full participation in school activities. We work closely with families, healthcare providers, and school staff to create individualized healthcare plans that enable students to access education while effectively managing their health conditions. To learn more about this program, visit the Support for Students with Health Conditions webpage.

Our dedicated team of Health Services Contacts is available to assist families with questions related to student health. For further information on our health and wellness programs, including specific health requirements, forms, and contact details, please visit the Health Services webpage. We are committed to fostering a healthy and supportive environment that contributes to the success of every student at Seattle Public Schools.

School Nurses and Health Clinics

Our dedicated school nurses are pivotal healthcare professionals dedicated to safeguarding students' well-being. They provide essential services, including immediate first aid, health assessments, chronic health condition management, and adherence to medication protocols. For detailed information about our school nurses or to apply to be a nurse in our schools, please see our School Nurses page.  

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The K-12 School Health investments provide students with increased access to medical and mental health care through School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs), school nursing, oral health care and health system enhancements. Our health clinics offer medical assistance during school hours, addressing a range of medical concerns from minor injuries to monitoring ongoing health conditions. In need of guidance or assistance? Our school nurses and health clinic contacts are available to provide personalized support to meet your child's health needs effectively.

Health Resources and Information

Informed decisions are pivotal for maintaining well-being. That's why we provide a wealth of resources offering valuable health-related information for students, parents, and families. Our online resources span topics from making nutritious food choices to increasing mental health awareness. Engage with our health education initiatives, including workshops, informative materials, and interactive seminars. These resources empower you to enhance your understanding of health-related subjects and make informed choices for your family's well-being. Explore more about our health resources on the dedicated Health Resources and Information page.

Medical Emergency Preparedness

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Our commitment to student safety extends to medical emergencies. Our schools have comprehensive medical emergency preparedness plans in place, including regular drills, clear communication protocols, and collaboration with medical professionals. In the event of a medical emergency, our staff is trained to respond promptly and effectively. We work closely with parents and medical experts to ensure students receive immediate attention and appropriate care. Learn more about our medical emergency preparedness and safety measures on our Medical Emergency Preparedness page. Also be sure to fill out any necessary forms (such as the “Authorization for Treatments and Procedures Performed at School.” You can find all such forms on the Seattle Public Schools Health Services and Forms page

Further Reading

For those seeking a deeper understanding of our medical services, health guidelines, and specific health conditions, we provide additional resources offering comprehensive insights. Explore topics such as medical forms, detailed health guidelines, and information about various health conditions. These resources empower you to stay informed and make well-informed decisions about your child's health. By prioritizing health and well- being, we aim to provide a robust foundation for students to excel academically and lead fulfilling lives.

Contact Information

For inquiries related to medical services, health concerns, or wellness programs, our school nurses, health clinic coordinators, and the medical services department are here to assist you. Their expertise is available to provide tailored guidance and assistance according to your specific needs. In cases of medical emergencies, designated emergency contacts are accessible around the clock to ensure students' safety. For detailed contact information, please visit the Contact Information section on our webpage.

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