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Listen and Learn

To learn more about SPS "Listen & Learn" check out the video above.

At Seattle Public Schools, we understand the importance of authentic community voices in shaping the future of our educational system. "Listen and Learn" is our commitment to creating an environment reflecting our community's diverse thoughts and aspirations. Rooted in attentive listening, this approach, led by the Office of African American Male Achievement (AAMA), empowers voices from all corners of our city, providing a platform for shared decision-making.


At Seattle Public Schools, we believe authentic and lasting change is rooted in attentive listening. This spirit has led us to adopt a “Listen and Learn” approach cementing our commitment to creating a school environment that truly reflects the thoughts and hopes of our community. Through Listen and Learn, we hope to establish a healthy partnership between our schools and the voices that make up our extended Seattle family as an extension of our community engagement efforts. You can read more about that on the “Community Engagement” here.

Listening and Learning Campaign

We formally adopted this practice as a part of our mission with the Listening and Learning Campaign, led by the Office of African American Male Achievement (AAMA).  AAMA launched our Listen and Learn forum in February 2021 to continue to listen to Black families and students as we reconstructed our educational system to celebrate the brilliance and excellence of Black boys and teens.

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Their goal to honor the achievements of Black boys and teens while tackling challenges laid the foundation for Listen and Learn to become a fundamental way for the community to get involved. You can read more about them on the Thriving Center's African American Male Achievement page.

Community Voices at the Front

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The Listen and Learn Forums are a significant part of this effort. Through these discussions, we work together to decide our district's rules and practices.


AAMA will publish and share the findings with our larger community, including professional development for staff, later this year. These findings can help guide the district in centering the voices of our Black families and students in return to school planning and beyond.

Guiding Principle: Listen. Act. Repeat.

Our main principle is "Listen. Act. Repeat." This isn’t just a saying – it's a plan of action. We keep on listening, taking steps, and then adjusting our plans based on what we hear from the community.

Amplifying Community Voices

This teamwork is a sign of fairness and empowerment. For more information about AAMA's mission and how Seattle Public Schools connects with the community, explore the Thriving Center's homepage..


Our journey toward change begins with careful listening. As we move forward, let's celebrate the strength of diverse perspectives, honoring each individual viewpoint that adds to our shared story.

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