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Homeless Services at Seattle Public Schools

Seattle Public Schools (SPS) provides homeless services to support students and families experiencing housing insecurity. These services include enrollment support, transportation assistance, and access to educational resources. Homelessness can significantly impact a student's academic performance, physical and emotional health, and overall well-being. According to data from the 2019-2020 school year, over 4,000 students experiencing homelessness were enrolled in SPS. The district's homeless services aim to help these students overcome their challenges and succeed in school.

Our Vision and Mission

At SPS, we understand that homelessness can profoundly impact a student's education, making it difficult to stay enrolled, attend school regularly, and maintain academic progress. We strive to provide support and resources for our students experiencing homelessness. Our goal is to ensure that all students have the opportunity to succeed in school, regardless of their living situation.

Our Homeless Services program is designed to provide a range of support services, including enrollment assistance, transportation, access to academic resources, and referrals to community organizations that can provide additional support. Our staff is trained to provide a welcoming and supportive environment for all families, and we strive to make the enrollment process as smooth and stress-free as possible.

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Overview of Homeless Services at Seattle Public Schools

Who does the District consider “homeless?”

The first thing to know is that Students experiencing homelessness are defined as lacking a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including those students who are:


  1. Sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing or economic hardship, or a similar reason;

  2. Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations;

  3. Living in emergency or transitional shelters;

  4. Abandoned in hospitals;

  5. Living in public or private places not designed for or ordinarily used as regular sleeping accommodation;

  6. Living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, transportation stations, or similar settings; or

  7. Migratory children

What rights are Homeless students entitled to?

These students have certain rights, which include:


  • The right to enroll in school immediately, even if they lack proof of residency or other records normally required for enrollment.

  • The right to attend their school of origin or the school in the attendance area where they are currently staying, whichever is in the student's best interest.

  • The right to receive transportation to and from their school of origin if it is deemed to be in their best interest.

  • The right to receive free breakfast and lunch through the federal free and reduced-price meal program.

  • The right to participate in extracurricular activities and all programs for which they are eligible.

  • The right to receive special education services if they are eligible.

  • The right to dispute school placement decisions if they believe they are not in their best interest.

  • The right to privacy and confidentiality of student records related to homelessness.

What does this look like in practice?

Our team of dedicated professionals is committed to working with families and students to address their unique needs and provide access to resources to help them overcome the challenges of homelessness. The district designates a staff person as the Homeless Liaison, responsible for carrying out the duties listed in the policy accompanying this program. Each school principal also designates a point of contact for homeless and unaccompanied youth, identifying and connecting them with the Homeless Liaison.

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The district recognizes the importance of maintaining stability for students experiencing homelessness. It aims to ensure that they remain enrolled in their school of origin unless it is against the parent's or unaccompanied youth's wishes.

The McKinney-Vento Liaison carries out dispute resolution as provided by state policy. It provides transportation services for students to attend their school of origin or the school where they are to be enrolled.


Seattle Public Schools is committed to helping students experiencing homelessness succeed academically and provides various resources to support their education. The district waives specific courses required for graduation for students experiencing homelessness when similar coursework has been satisfactorily completed in another school district. It also provides

opportunities to accrue credit in a manner that eliminates academic and nonacademic barriers for the student.


The district also ensures that students experiencing homelessness have access to healthcare services by allowing informed consent for healthcare on behalf of the student. This allows school nurses, school counselors, or the Homeless Liaison to obtain informed consent for non-emergency, outpatient, primary care services on behalf of the student when they meet the definition of a "homeless child or youth" under the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 2001.

How to Access Services

Seattle Public Schools provides resources and support to students experiencing homelessness. If you or someone you know needs help accessing these services, there are several ways to contact the district's Homeless Services program.


To access homeless services provided by Seattle Public Schools, families can start by contacting their child's school. Each school has a designated point of contact for students experiencing homelessness. These points of contact can help connect families with the district's Homeless Liaison and provide information about available resources and support.

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Alternatively, families can contact the district's Homeless Services program directly. The program's contact information can be found on the Seattle Public Schools website or by calling the district's main phone number and asking to be directed to the Homeless Services program. The program can assist with enrollment, transportation, and accessing other support services such as housing and healthcare.

Available Resources

Seattle offers a variety of resources for families experiencing homelessness. These resources can help families with housing, food, and other basic needs. Some of the resources available include:


  • Housing Assistance: Seattle offers a variety of programs and services to help families find and maintain housing. These programs include emergency shelters, transitional housing, and rental assistance programs. For more information on housing assistance, visit the Seattle Office of Housing website at

  • Food Banks: Seattle has a number of food banks that provide free groceries and other essentials to families in need. Some of the largest food banks in the area include Northwest Harvest, Food Lifeline, and the Seattle Food Bank. For a full list of food banks in Seattle, visit

  • Transportation Assistance: The Seattle School District offers transportation assistance to students experiencing homelessness. This includes bus passes and other forms of transportation assistance. For more information on transportation assistance, visit the Seattle School District Transportation Services website at

  • National Resources: There are also national resources available to families experiencing homelessness. The National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE) offers information and resources on its website at Schoolhouse Connection is another national organization that provides resources and support to families experiencing homelessness. Visit their website at for more information.


If you or someone you know is experiencing homelessness, please get in touch with the Seattle Public Schools' Homeless Services program for assistance. Contact information can be found on their website at

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