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Featured Authors

We understand the transformative power of reading. Books are not merely a source of information; they are windows to new perspectives, doors to empathy, and bridges to personal growth. We invite you to embark on a journey of continuous learning, exploration, and personal enrichment through the pages of these thought-provoking works.

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Welcome to our Featured Authors section, a literary haven open to students, staff, and community members alike. At Seattle Public Schools, we understand the transformative power of reading. Books are not merely a source of information; they are windows to new perspectives, doors to empathy, and bridges to personal growth. In this dedicated space, we proudly curate a collection of self-development-focused books that resonate with diverse backgrounds and interests. We invite you to embark on a journey of continuous learning, exploration, and personal enrichment through the pages of these thought-provoking works. 


Our Featured Authors section is a dynamic and ever-evolving compilation of exceptional literary voices. As we continue to discover inspiring authors and their enlightening works, this collection will expand, offering a wealth of reading options that nurture personal development and empower individuals from all walks of life.

Featured Authors

Leadership/Professional Development

Ambassador Delano Lewis

It All Begins with Self: "How to Discover Your Passion, Connect with People, and Succeed in Life"

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Mr. Lewis was the President & CEO of the C&P Telephone Company/Bell Atlantic in Washington, DC. (now Verizon), Mr. Lewis was named President and CEO of National Public Radio. In June 1999, President Clinton nominated Delano Lewis as US Ambassador to the Republic of South Africa, and he served until 2001. Mr. Lewis sat on the Boards of GEICO, Apple Computer, Halliburton, Colgate/Palmolive, Eastman Kodak, Black Entertainment TV (BET), National Bank of Washington, JP Morgan/Chase, and American Institutes for Research (AIR)


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Dr. Cynthia Clauson, Ph.D.

Revealing Resilient Leadership: Empowering Leaders to Transform Schools for Long-term Success

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Dr. Cynthia Clauson has 42 years of experience in education with a deep background in diverse community leadership. Her Ph.D. from Gonzaga University is in Educational Leadership, focusing on the servant and transformational development of leaders. After years of working in nationally and internationally diverse communities as an administrator and coach, Dr. Clauson is passionate about guiding school and community leaders to create equitable, continuous improvement in student learning.


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Erin Jones

Bridges to Heal US: Stories and Strategies for Racial Healing

As a best-selling author, nationally recognized educator, and speaker, Erin Jones invests her talents and unique experiences to help stakeholders better serve a variety of cultures. Erin was born in the United States but raised in the Netherlands, where her parents worked as teachers at the American School of The Hague. She returned to the United States in 1989 to attend Bryn Mawr College, earning a BA in Comparative Literature with a focus on literatures of the African Diaspora. She served three years as Assistant State Superintendent for Student Achievement in Washington State, where she was responsible for working with educators and policy makers to create policies and practices that would better serve students of color and students otherwise disenfranchised. Through her words and actions, Erin strives to inspire people to become their best selves.


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Andrae D. Smith Jr.

Facing Racism: Overcome Unconscious Bias and Prejudice to Be a Part of the Change

With a background in personal-development writing and certified meditation guidance, Andrae Smith is a writer and editor passionate about helping his readers overcome real-world challenges. His drive to spread empowerment through self-knowledge and compassion has led Andrae to devote his skills and passion as a writing coach and instructor, helping writers of all levels — from students to community leaders — find and use their voices. He believes in the transformational power of storytelling to bring people together, generate curiosity, and expose people's essential nature and seeks to use words to document and influence the world around us.


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