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Arts and Entertainment

In Seattle Public Schools, the arts encompass dance, media arts, music, theater, and visual arts, representing core academic subjects and a vital component of Basic Education. Guided by the Seattle K-12 Arts Plan, which emerged from community engagement, we are committed to ensuring equitable access to a comprehensive, sequential, and predictable arts education. Our mission is to provide every student in SPS with equitable access to a comprehensive, sequential, and predictable arts education.

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Unlocking the full potential of every student's education involves more than just books and tests. Seattle Public Schools believes that the arts play a crucial role in shaping well-rounded individuals, fostering creativity, and enhancing academic achievement. From the strokes of a paintbrush to the rhythm of music, the drama on stage to the grace of dance, the arts enrich our students' lives, stimulate their minds, and prepare them for success in an ever-evolving world.

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In Seattle Public Schools, the arts encompass dance, media arts, music, theater, and visual arts, representing core academic subjects and a vital component of Basic Education according to district policy, superintendent procedure, and Washington state law. Guided by the Seattle K-12 Arts Plan, which emerged from community engagement, we are committed to ensuring equitable access to a comprehensive, sequential, and predictable arts education. Our mission is to provide every student in Seattle Public Schools with equitable access to a comprehensive, sequential, and predictable arts education. Our vision is to kindle students' intellect and imagination, affirm and broaden their knowledge and experiences, and empower them to enact their agency through engaging arts learning experiences.

Engaging with Arts – Why it Matters

Why the Arts Matter Engaging with the arts is not just an after-school pastime – it's a fundamental part of education. Arts education stimulates creative thinking, encourages critical analysis, and provides students with a powerful medium for self-expression.

Research consistently demonstrates that students who have an arts education experience remarkable benefits:


  • More motivated and engaged

  • Better attendance

  • Lower discipline rates

  • Improved academic performance

  • Higher likelihood of graduation

  • Greater civic engagement as adults

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Arts Goals

Here at SPS, we've set our sights on ensuring that every student in every school benefits from:


  • High-quality arts learning that imparts sequential arts skills and techniques, fosters 21st-century skills, and is culturally responsive

  • Instruction provided by certified arts teachers who are passionate about nurturing creativity

  • The integration of arts across various subjects, promoting interdisciplinary understanding

  • Engaging partnerships with community-based organizations and skilled teaching artists, enriching students' experiences

  • Opportunities to connect the arts with potential career paths, expanding horizons for future success

The Creative Advantage: Equitable Arts Education

At the heart of our commitment to arts and entertainment is "The Creative Advantage," a city-wide initiative designed to ensure that every student has equitable access to high-quality arts education. It is a coordinated network that includes the district, the Seattle Office of Arts & CultureSeattle Foundation, and more than 100 community arts partners.

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By 2023, The Creative Advantage expanded to a total of 89 schools (out of 106 total SPS schools). The Creative Advantage team is developing more opportunities to connect arts to career for secondary students through Media Arts Skills Center courses offered in the summer and during the school year. You can visit the Creative Advantage homepage on the Seattle Public Schools website for more details about its histories and findings so far.

Arts Programs and Partnerships

Seattle Public Schools is proud to offer a range of innovative programs and valuable partnerships that bring the arts to life for our students, fostering creativity, skill development, and a deeper connection to their education.

Arts at Home: Nurturing Creativity Beyond School

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"Arts at Home" serves as a bridge between school and home, fostering creativity beyond the classroom. This initiative empowers families with resources and activities that facilitate exploration of the arts together. From DIY art projects to musical experiments, Arts at Home enables the flame of creativity to burn brightly during moments of learning beyond school hours.

Seattle Art Museum (SAM) Partnership: Inspiring Cultural Exploration

Summer Music Program: Harmonizing Summer with Melodies

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Contact Information: Connecting with the Arts

For more information about our vibrant arts initiatives, please don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated contacts:


Gail Sehlhorst Visual and Performing Arts Program Manager
Phone: 206-252-0188

Pamela Ivezic K-12 Instructional Services Music Coach
Phone: 206-252-0142

Rayna Mathis The Creative Advantage Project Manager
Phone: 206-252-0226

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