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Dr. Mia Williams - Executive Director
African/American Male Achievement

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Equity Goals and Guardrails

The following matrix lists in-school projects, strategies and small sample of partners with high interest in the following areas by grade-level. Note. that the Thriving Center (Office of African American Male Achievement and Dept of Racial Equity Advancement) are collectively focused on students, families and educators. These efforts complement the CBO-school partnership focus School and Community Partnerships Department.

Funding across these student-focused partnerships, strategies and programs comes from a strong, multi-year partnership with Seattle Alliance for Education which staffs the Philanthropic Partnership for Public Education –a collection of local philanthropic organizations: Amazon, Ballmer Group, Boeing Company, Casey Family Programs, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Microsoft Corporation, Nesholm Family Foundation, Norcliffe Foundation, Raikes Foundation, Remala Foundation, Satterberg Foundation, Seattle Foundation, Tabor 100.

AAMA & DREA Partner and Project List


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The Thriving Center Working Leadership:

  • ERAC
  • Center for Race & Social Justice
  • RET
  • SEA/Partnership Committee
  • SOFG Guardrails Work Group
  • School Integration Work Group
  • WCWD Leaders Work Group
  • Racial Equity & the Future of Assessments
  • Inclusion Practices Work Group
  • Climate Measurement & Asset Based
  • High-Quality Instruction Subgroup
  • Seventh Grade Math Steering Committee
  • Advance Coursework Team
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Collective Bargaining Agreement Organizational Structure

Partnership Committee


SPS and SEA will create a Partnership Committee consisting of 5 appointees of SPS, (one of which is appointed by the Department of Racial Equity Advancement), 5 appointees of the SEA, (one of which is appointed by the Seattle Education Association Center for Racial Equity), and 3 non-voting community members selected by the Parties using agreed upon selection criteria, after the initial convening of the Committee.


Each member must commit to serve for a 12-month period. The Parties will make their best efforts to assure that the Committee reflects racial and ethnic diversity. The purpose of the committee is to ensure racial equity in our educational system, unapologetically address the needs of students of color who are furthest from educational justice, and to undo the legacies of racism in our educational system, consistent with Board Policy No. 0030 – Ensuring Educational and Racial Equity.


Equity and Race Advisory Committee


Addressing Educational Equity Practices in Seattle Public Schools (SPS) created the Superintendent’s Equity and Race Advisory Committee to address educational equity practices in our schools and central office. This committee is a commitment to transforming our current practices at a systemic level to eliminate disproportionality in education and in all aspects of its administration. These efforts require a long-term commitment from our advisors that includes both making recommendations and staying engaged as our work progresses over time.


Based on feedback we received by previous equity task forces and on a survey completed by this group during the last academic year, suggest the following plan for designing and rolling out the Equity Advisory Committee.

Goals for this Advisory Committee:

  • Represent diverse voices and perspectives across the education system and community on equity and race.

  • Address authentic concerns with the current system and recognized disproportionality in education and in all aspects of its administration.

  • Collaborate with District leaders to finalize the Ensuring Educational and Race Equity District Plan as well as making thoughtful and timely policy, procedures, and school support recommendations for change for the 2016-17 school year.

  • Work with the district to ensure effective implementation of the Ensuring Educational and Racial Equity Policy as well as Committee recommendations, as appropriate.

The purpose of the Advisory Committee is to:

  • Make recommendations to the Superintendent for changes to District policies and procedures related to equity practices and systems;

  • Monitor progress and outcomes of recommendations implemented;

  • Serve as a two-way conduit of information to SPS diverse families and community members. We also ask that its members also serve as family and community connectors to the public, communicating the committee’s recommendations and progress.

School-Based, District-Sponsored Racial Equity Team (RET)


Racial Equity Teams (RETs) are key levers of mobilizing anti-racist impacts across the district and are comprised of a broad coalition of school staff at building sites that are tasked with advancing Board Policy 0030. DREA staffs three Specialists, or coaches, dedicated to supporting RETs in their anti-racist systems change work, along with a Program Manager to ensure the progress, alignment and positive outcomes of RET work. DREA programmatic supports available to RETs are:

  • Leadership Coaching – to support the capacity of RETs as anti-racist leaders in their schools.

  • Action Plan & Racial Equity Analysis Coaching – to support the effectiveness and impact of RET work.

  • Professional Development – through Institutes and Communities of Practice to support the cultivation of anti-racist skills amongst RET members.

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Existing, district-sponsored teams can find a plethora of resources on the Racial Equity Teams Schoology group.

Specific questions can be directed to your DREA coach and programmatic questions can be sent to Nichole Coates, DREA Program Manager, at

DREA is currently working to develop and launch the Central Office Racial Equity (CORE) team program to build capacity for racial equity leadership at Central Office.

CORE teams will operate similar to Racial Equity Teams in schools. CORE teams will create a through-line by strengthening the voices and participation of teachers, families, and community within Central Office to inform policies, practices and procedures.


Our district is large and complex, and there are many facets of the system set up to support educators and staff in their work towards racial equity. While you can find DREA’s programs and offerings above, the following district departments and SEA bodies exists to provide various avenues of support for staff:


Ombudsperson – The District Ombuds Office serves as an independent, confidential, third party to assist SPS Schools and Families resolve problems, complaints, conflicts, and other school-related issues at the lowest level when normal procedures have failed.

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