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"Seattle Public Schools is committed to building a “Gateway to Academic Performance” (G.A.P.) by using Targeted Universalism. To ensure equal access to all students and provide excellence in education for every student in our community."

Dr. Brent Jones
Superintendent of Seattle Public Schools

What is the Thriving Center?

The Thriving Center is a Communication and Education Services online portal for our Seattle Public School District Community. This portal is where students, families and community members can come together to learn, discuss, inform, share and collaborate on opportunities and issues with SPS.  This Thriving Center Platform is a one-of-a-kind online tool that has been built with your needs in mind. In this Center you will find and have access to a wealth of information.

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SPS Students: You will be able to get the help and information you need to achieve and succeed. You will have access to “Free” Tutoring Enrichment” services to prepare you for grade-level advancement, college readiness, career and community. 


SPS Parents: You will be able to find helpful resources to help your student succeed as well as additional resources for Adult learning and information. We plan to provide online Adult learning courses for career advancement. This includes courses such as: Customer Services Training, Microsoft Office Training, Cultural Diversity Training and much more…


SPS Community: The Thriving Center provides information to our community members on education, learning opportunities, and courses we offer. It also can have features tools for communicating School District initiatives, strategic plan priorities, goals and guardrails.


Listen & Learn: Our goal at SPS is to Listen and Learn from YOU, our Community. We want to hear from our Families, Staff and Students, to try and make us an even greater school district. We have set up a dedicated website for voicing your comments, concerns, questions, and even tell us how well we’re doing. The website portal can take your comments via written text or video upload.

The Seattle Public Schools District considers safety our highest priority. For this reason, SPS leaders are working on a variety of initiatives to ensure the safety of students, staff, and the community and foster a welcoming environment.

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The Office of African American Male Achievement (AAMA) is focused on how our Black boys, teens, and families experience our school system. The research found and recommendations are products of their voices and insights. This information represents an ongoing conversation about rectifying inequities, building just schools, and leading from the insights of our students and families.


The AAMA offers insights toward achieving the racial equity goals outlined in Seattle Excellence and lays the groundwork for AAMA’s multi-year plan to implement structural changes in Seattle Public Schools.

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Seattle Public Schools (SPS) recognizes the significant presence and contributions of Native American and Alaska Native students in the district.


The district is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all students and has implemented initiatives to integrate Native American education into its schools.

Seattle Public Schools is dedicated to creating a supportive and empowering learning environment that celebrates and uplifts Black students. SPS strives to foster positive academic, social, and emotional success for Black students by offering culturally responsive teaching, mentorship programs, and partnerships with community organizations that provide a range of resources and support.

As a parent or caregiver, you want your child to be healthy, happy, and successful in school. One important factor in achieving these goals is ensuring your child can access healthy and nutritious food throughout the day.


Seattle Public Schools understands nutrition’s vital role in supporting student success, so we offer all students a range of food and nutrition services, regardless of their family's income level.

Looking to get your child involved in athletics? Seattle Public Schools offers a robust athletics program for middle and high school students. Learn more about the program, required forms, and contacts for questions or concerns.


Read more to get your student started on the path to athletic success.

At Seattle Public Schools, we understand the importance of authentic community voices in shaping the future of our educational system.


"Listen and Learn" is our commitment to creating an environment that truly reflects our community's diverse thoughts and aspirations.


Click here on this Video Link for more details.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) involves developing awareness and skills to manage emotions, establish relationships, set goals, and make responsible decisions, all of which contribute to success in education and life.


At Seattle Public Schools, SEL is a cornerstone of education, fostering emotional intelligence, relationship-building, and responsible decision-making. When we consider educating the whole child, their social and emotional development must be part of overall instruction.

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The Seattle Public Schools has partnered with Aha-Learning to provide your student with "FREE" one-on-one or group tutoring enrichment services...


Through our partnership with Seattle Public School system, our Tutors will work with parents and students to make sure their tutoring experience is successful.

Seattle Public Schools (SPS) provides homeless services to support students and families experiencing housing insecurity.


These services include enrollment support, transportation assistance, and access to educational resources. Homelessness can significantly impact a student's academic performance, physical and emotional health, and overall well-being.

The Seattle Public School District plans to partner with the Seattle Public Library system. The Seattle Public Library comprises the Central Library, 26 neighborhood branches, and Mobile Library Services. It has a total collection size of 2.4 million books and other items.


Empowering your child's health and well-being is at the heart of every parent or caregiver's concern. A vital key to achieving this is ensuring that your child has access to comprehensive medical services, fostering their physical health and academic success. Seattle Public Schools recognizes the profound impact that health has on a student's journey.


This page is your guide to understanding the range of medical services offered by SPS, assuring you that your child's wellness remains a top priority.

Ignite your future with Seattle Public Schools' dynamic Internship and Career Path programs. Experience hands-on learning that bridges the gap between education and real-world success.


Through regional internships and our Career and Technical Education (CTE) offerings, students explore diverse industries, develop essential skills, and forge connections with industry leaders.

At Seattle Public Schools, we recognize that education extends beyond the classroom, and our commitment to fostering holistic growth and learning is at the heart of our community partnerships.


Through strategic collaborations with local organizations, businesses, and community leaders, we aim to create a supportive network that enriches students' lives and enhances their educational experiences.

We plan to use Targeted Universalism in our approach to student equity and equality in our District. To be successful, we believe we must take a racial equity stance through targeted approaches to eliminate racialized outcomes caused by structural racism.


Gaps in opportunity are mostly driven by differences in how students are situated in relation to our educational system and our universal goal.

Seattle Public Schools offers various early childhood services to support families with young children. These services include preschool programs, early childhood special education, and partnerships with Head Start and the Seattle Preschool Program.


Early childhood education can give children a strong foundation for their academic and social-emotional development and future success.

SPS’s Community Engagement Program plans to increase the visibility, awareness and understanding of issues in our Seattle Community.


This will empower our communities to have their say over decisions that affect their Schools, lives, their towns, cities and neighborhoods.

In Seattle Public Schools, the arts encompass dance, media arts, music, theater, and visual arts, representing core academic subjects and a vital component of Basic Education.


Guided by the Seattle K-12 Arts Plan, which emerged from community engagement, we are committed to ensuring equitable access to a comprehensive, sequential, and predictable arts education. Our mission is to provide every student in SPS with equitable access to a comprehensive, sequential, and predictable arts education.

We understand the transformative power of reading. Books are not merely a source of information; they are windows to new perspectives, doors to empathy, and bridges to personal growth.


We invite you to embark on a journey of continuous learning, exploration, and personal enrichment through the pages of these thought-provoking works.

The Seattle Public Schools Family Support Program is committed to reducing barriers to academic success by linking students and their families with needed community resources.


Our mission is to inspire and motivate Seattle Public School children to succeed academically socially and emotionally.

Welcome, students! To help you make the most of your educational journey with Seattle Public Schools, your online portals can access all the vital information and resources you need for success.


Consider this page your one-stop hub to find and use these platforms and resources.

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Areas We Cover

With our HQ based in John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence
 at 2445 3rd Ave. S, Seattle, WA , we cover the following counties:

  • King,

  • Snohomis

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